This is the first year that I have grown dahlias. I like them enough, but for the work that is required, I don't know if they are worth it. This is a Thomas Edison. This is the first flower from the three of these that I planted that didn't come out deformed in some way. I really like the color and the solidity of the plant and flower. I'll dig these up and try it again, but I don't hold out much hope for success next year.

These rudbeckia I started from seed this year. Mid-late June as a matter of fact. I didn't even get these out of the pots that I started them in. I was really surprised to see these bloom this year, but oh so glad that they did! I love these so much! I hope that they fair well through the winter. If not, I would still plant them again next year. They were easy to start from seed and bloomed just fine the same year.

Yea! More echinacea! As you can see, they are just starting to fade out. There is a little browning along the edges, but they are still beautiful. The goldfinches are loving these. I have about ten to fifteen visiting every morning. There are also two to four cardinals and a few sparrows that visit too. I can hear the blue jays in the morning with their "squeaky pump" song, but I don't see them visit the garden. I try to make sure that I have water in the bath for the birds. There are usually several birds trying to squeeze in a bath every morning too. I guess birds are a lot like us in that way.
This was my first year for dahlias too. I don't think these will become a burning desire plant that I have to collect.
ReplyDeleteMe neither. I have found that zinnias are just as satisfying and much easier to grow.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I have seen,Zinnias are the easiest to grow.
ReplyDeleteI love your garden, and your knowledge on plants.
I want a name for the flower in my post. Would you see that and tell me ?
Squeaky pump. That's a perfect description!
ReplyDeleteJac, I only took a quick look at it because I have some errands to run, but it looks like some kind of lobelia. I will take a closer look tonight when I get home.
ReplyDeleteJenn, I was listening public radio and they were talking about the stress on birds in WI. One of the guest scientist described it this way, and I thought it was a pretty good description. I always thought it sounded like a squeaky swingset.
Is your Thomas Edison more red than purple? The one I have is very purple. I have much better luck with dahlias when I plant them in containers. I have one planted in the ground and it has not even bloomed yet.
ReplyDeleteZoey, I planted two varieties and this may just be the other one. You know, the one who's name I can not remember. I just have Pink Dahlia on the tag. These are definitely not pink though. They are more of a dark red.
ReplyDeleteI would like to send you a few close up's of that pink flower. Its pure wild grass and it is from Sudan. I dont have your mail ID. Mine is jacpaulus@yahoo.com
Jac, thanks for pointing out that I do not have my email up on my blog! I can't believe that I forgot it!
I refuse to grow anything that I have to dig up and replant every year. That is just way too much work for me. I prefer to just "plant it, water it and hope for the best".
ReplyDeleteOldRoses, me too. But I just had to find out what all the fuss was about. Why people would actually go through that much trouble for this plant. Eh, I still don't get it.