Friday, May 08, 2009

Now Blooming - May 08, 2009


  1. Beautiful!! The colors are great. Perenials are awesome. All the blooms are actually causing the paths, stone and borders to become more pronounced.

    Every year I say that I will begin planting more flowers, but every year I manage to have some major project under way.

    We're still getting the chickens situated! They spent their first day out in their yard today.

  2. Primrozie, I want chickens! I love eggs from free range chickens. I currently buy from a local farmer, but her hens don't reliable supply enough for her to sell regularly.

  3. Hi Sylvana,
    Things are looking fantastic up there ... so many gorgeous tulips blooming right now. Ours are just about done now, but there are still the Camassia and Spanish Bluebells to come before all the bulbs are done. One of species tulips is still blooming but will probably be done later this week.

    The primroses are looking fantastic... have to do a post on those later this week. You have such a lovely design going in your garden... I wish we had that much space, but nothing like that for us on a 50'x 100'city lot!

  4. Iowa VG, My lot is 90'x130', part of the reason that I bought this particular house - small house footprint on a big lot! I have no idea how big this garden is, but it is less than 1/4 of our lot. I think it just looks huge in the pictures. I just posted overheads of this garden and there are others in past posts.
