Saturday, June 06, 2009

Opportunity Knocks

I got an email a while back offering me an exciting opportunity. Normally I just send these to the spam pile, but this one did refer to trying out and reviewing garden accessories, so what the hey, why not check it out? I went to their site, Teak, Wicker & More, to check out their products and I was very impressed with the style and the prices!

I spent some time seeing if there was anything that I might want to try out. I had considered the cold frames, but the one that I really wanted wasn't available until late June. Not to say that I wasn't drooling over some of the other marvelous greenhouses that they had available, but most of those were either not the right size or were out of my try-out price range.

Then I remembered that I had just finished the floor in the gazebo and it really was needing a nice table to have coffee in the morning, right? I had been looking at the local stores for a good bistro set that went with my garden style and wasn't having any luck. Maybe TW&M would have what I was looking for. And guess what; a quick search in their outdoor furniture section led me to a nice find: a round slate table (frequent visitors must know by now how I like curves and natural material)!

So here's the deal, I have never gotten anything from this supplier before, and maybe you haven't either. Once I get the table, I will post pictures and write a review of the service that I received and the quality of the product - and you know how opinionated I am, so you are guaranteed a good, honest review!


  1. I know how you feel... it's always a risk ordering from an unknown supplier. I've never ordered from them before so I'll be looking forward to your review. -Jackie

  2. Sylvana! What a wonderful opportunity for you!Thank you for stopping by Nature Trail an re-connecting!I've missed my visits here and really enjoyed catching up! Love love your raised garden..I keep thinking it's time to have one of my sparked some inspiration dear lady!
    smiling and happy to have stopped by!

  3. Hi Sylvana, first of all, what an informative blog, I really like it. And thanks so much for coming back to me re my Blogger problems on the Rurality blog. I do use IE already so that can't be what causes the problems. Apparently Blogger is aware of the embedded comments problems but haven't sorted anything out to date! As you can see I could leave comments on your blog. Hurrah!

  4. Ellie Mae's Cottage, glad to see you here! I just got the word that the set is on it's way. Cross your fingers!

    Nature Girl, I was an infrequent blogger last year due to the very long trip I took overseas (which I still haven't finished posting about!). But I'm back now and 33% more obsessive than ever!

    friedaquilter, thanks for stopping by! I STILL can't post comments from Firefox on any blog! I'm stuck using IE for now. I will keep checking in to see if you have found out anything.

  5. I'll be anxious to read your review on how you like it.

  6. RainGardener, I can't wait to use it to review it! Today I was just standing out in the gazebo having coffee with my neighbor. Sure would have been nice to sit down!

  7. Hi Sylvana - thank you for visiting my blog and adding it to your blog list! I'm glad I now know about you, your blog looks very informative and I love someone with an opinion! I got an email from these same folks, but ignored it thinking it was a scam. Hurray for you for actually reading it! Hope to hear good things about your experience (for your sake), Loree

  8. Danger Garden, believe me, I was skeptical too! But really, they didn't ask for anything personal (except where to send it) and all they asked in return was a link and review. I can definitely do that! UPS tracker says it is in IL and should be here on June 18th. I plan to give a preliminary review for service and then a follow-up for quality. Glad you found me!
