Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I was feeling so far behind, but today I feel ahead of the game.
I got so much planted!

Cucumber starts: Armenian and Boston Pickling
Melon starts: Piel de Sapo (saved seeds) and Burpee Hybrid cantaloupe
Squash seeds: Delicata, Buttercup, Waltham Butternut, Table Queen acorn, Early Prolific Straightneck, White Bush Scallop Patty Pan, Burpee's Fordhook Zucchini, Spaghetti, Jaradale pumpkin, Triple Treat pumpkin
Passion vine seeds

Things I already had planted :
Edamame: starts and sprouted seeds
Melting Sugar snow peas: sprouted seeds and direct seeded
Bloomsdale Long-Standing spinach (saved seeds): seeded last fall
Imperator, Little Finger and Danvers Half Long carrots: direct seeded (some on seed mats)
Detroit Dark Red beet: sprouted seeds and direct seeded
Hollow Crown parsnips: sprouted seeds and direct seeded
White Icicle radishes: direct seeded
Long Island Improved brussel sprouts: starts
Radicchio: starts
Packman and Romanesco broccoli: starts
American Purple Flag rutabaga: starts and direct seeded
Bonsai Hybrid pak choi: starts
Blue Curled Vates kale: direct seeded
Borage: direct seeded
White Half Runner Mountaineer and Slenderette beans: starts
Early Girl Hybrid and Pink Brandywine tomato: starts
French marigolds: plants
Cilantro (saved seeds): direct seeded
Garlic, shallots, Mayan sweet onions: bulbs
Leeks (saved seeds): direct seeded last fall
Mixed lettuces: direct seeded

I grew all my own starts and all of the seeds that I planted before today have already sprouted. And the other seeds should be up and running before Memorial Day, our official safe date. I'm not too worried about my plants though. Last year I planted much of these same things in the middle of May and they did fine - and it was much cooler last year. It is supposed to stay unseasonably warm for the next two weeks. Perfect.


  1. Wow, looks like you've got quite a list there!

    Nice blog...nice tulip show as well:)

  2. Now I feel like a slouch:) I had planned to get the rest of the vegetables planted this past weekend, but we had so much rain that it might be tomorrow before I can get out there. But I'm usually late with my vegetable plantings, and they usually do fine anyway.

    Loved all your tulips on your Bloom Day post! Mine have long since faded with the warm April we had. I also visited Menard's this past week and found some good bargains, but nothing like your $2 perennials! You just can't pass up a deal like that:)

    You asked about my 'Nelly Moser' clematis, and to be honest, I'm not sure if it blooms on new or old wood. I can't even remember if it's a B (or II) or C (III) type. I do know I checked it out one time so I prune off the dead growth and tidy it up in the spring, which seems to work just fine.

  3. ConsciousGardener, I still have a bunch more things to plant too! Turnips, peppers, more tomatoes, potatoes (maybe), dill, fennel, Chinese cabbage, basil...
    I can't wait to eat it all :)

    Rose, thanks for the reply on Nelly Moser. I know I can find out what a plant is supposed to do from the sellers and other sources, but I always like to find out what its actually doing from gardeners who grow it. I hae found quite a few plants behave much differently for actual gardeners than they do for the growers.

    Tulips rock!

  4. Wonderful assortment of veggies. Should be a great harvest.

  5. That's a fantastic list of veggies you have there. I hope they all come through as planned.

  6. Kathy M, I really can't wait for some of these. I am very curious if Piel de Sapo will mature here. It's supposed to be a hot summer, so I do have hope.
    I'm also crossing my fingers on the passion vine.

    Irrigation Systems, my stomach is already grumbling for them.

  7. wowzas! You've got a lot going on!

  8. Wendy I like variety and I like to experiment - plus I just put in three new veggie beds last year. And I am already looking for room for more!

  9. I'm impressed and slightly jealous. I wanted to get some seeds planted yesterday but the snow then rain prevented me from going outside. Maybe, if it doesn't rain, I can get out later today.

  10. Melanie, I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed here in May. Hope you finally get a chance to get out there soon. I still have other things to plant this weekend - fennel, basil, peppers, nasturtiums, lettuce starts, salsify, eggplants...

  11. Holy cow you have quite a list! Is this your largest garden ever? I also have the Boston Pickling cuke and Brandywine tomato. I found a bread and butter pickle recipe to try this year.

    I've bought a food dehydrator and plan to store most of the surplus this way. Something new for me.

    I haven't even started my herbs yet. I'm still working too many hours.

    It was nice hearing from you.

  12. primrozie, this actually is my biggest garden ever. I added three new vegetable raised beds last year. And I am already thinking about adding another for potatoes.

    I love my food dehydrator. I did apple chips last fall. They were fantastic and easy. And they are addictive! Great for watching movies. I have also made tomato powder for sauces and such. Easy, and it tastes great. Much easier to store than canning tomatoes. Also, zucchini flour! Great for cakes, breads, pancakes. I can't wait to dry all this stuff. I might have to get another dehydrator :)
