Thursday, June 09, 2005

Blue Ravine II

I finally got some personal pictures of my very own Blue Ravine clematis. It is just gorgeous, and this is the most it has ever flowered. Maybe I won't move it after all.


  1. That's a really great purple! What do you have it climbing on?

  2. Wow you don't want to distrub those at all. Mt clematis have some buds finally but I think I will have to wait a bit longer for the flowers, and I will be happy with half the results you have gotten.

  3. Right now they are climbing on a tomato cage. I use tomato cages all over my garden. They are great for keeping leggy plants upright and they also protect plants from clumpsy animals running through my garden. I spray them with gloss black Rustoleum so they look nice too. I am trying to get these clematis to climb the clotheline pole I planted them next to, but as I said, they really seem to have an aversion to it.

    Hint for growing clematis- they really like sun. They will grow in shadier places, but if you want fabulous results, plant them in full sun.

  4. Sylvana, great tip--painting the tomato cages black. That is what I love so much about reading blogs--all the wonderful ideas/tips I never thought of before.

  5. forgot to say what a GORGEOUS purple color that is!
