Thursday, June 02, 2005

Bulbs Inherited

I looked these bulbs up once, but since then have forgotten what they are. We got them with the house. They used to spread across our lawn, but have been progressively retreating into a garden near the epicenter. They must come up from seeds fairly well, because I have also been finding them in other parts of the garden that are far away from where they originally were. I don't mind. They are not really invasive since they die back after they bloom. Plus it is nice to have all that extra color in the spring when everything seems so brown otherwise.


  1. Squill, maybe? I love bulbs that spread all over by themselves. I used to live near a very, very old house where someone had planted snowdrops years ago. They had multiplied all over a corner of the yard. It was so pretty in the spring.

  2. Oh, yeah. I think that is what they are.
