Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Several years ago I planted some Barlow mix columbine from seeds. Last year I lost the last of the original four that had managed to come up that first year. I was disappointed to see that last one go, and wasn't sure if I would have the patience to start anymore from seeds (I had to start them inside in peat pellets- little bit too much work for this gardener).

But, this year, I found this little ray of hope. It is a seedling from one of the original four. Even though it is very small and scrawny, it is beautiful! I hope I can keep the rabbits from eating this one up. They leave all the wild columbine alone and just eat the ones I plant. Little bastards!

I think there also may be more. There are many other seedlings in the area that have simliar foliage and not like the foliage of the wild-type. That would simply be wonderful to have a whole patch of these little gems.


  1. Sometimes we take it personally when wildlife damages our plants, espeicially tended ones grown from seeds.
    A lot of mine happens at night.I dont know the insect assassin that had eaten all my purple cone flowers.two left outside 9i have two pots inside though so i hope they grow and flower.)
    I leave straggly ones as sacrifices but the slugs bipass them and go for your prize plants!!

  2. The rabbits here in NJ don't bother columbine. I sorta wish they would. The columbine have officially achieved "weed status" in the purple garden. I actually have to get rid of seedlings to make room for other plants. At least they are pretty when they bloom.

  3. They really aren't all that hard to start from seed. I'd forget the package directions and directly sow in the garden in spring.

    You might wait for the next year to get flowers, but you will have a lot more plants... Also, see if you can get fresh seed from someone, you'll have better success.

    And finally, I find the columbine to be a fairly short lived plant. I let them reseed to keep them in my garden.

  4. Jenn- I am beginning to understand that they don't stick around too long. I don't like it when they label plants as perennial knowing full well they only last two years! My Early Sunrise coreopsis is the same way.
