Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I Love Ferns!

We bought these ferns for the shade garden not so long ago. We both love ferns and I don't find them very hard to grow at all. They do take awhile to get established and make a nice sized clump, but I have time.
Recurved Broad Buckler Fern
Dryopteris dilatata 'Recurved Form'. These said that they get about 14-18" high, but then when I looked them up online, it said that they get 24-36" high! Oh MY! I think I planted them in the wrong place. I hope they move well. I haven't ever had any trouble moving ferns before, so I'm sure that they will be fine. Besides, like I said, ferns take awhile to really get going, so I won't have to worry about moving them any time soon.
This one is a tatting fern. Found in 1857 in Ireland, in the garden of Mrs. Frizell; thus, it is called Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae'. It only gets 18"tall, so it is a great front of border fern. SSB picked both of these ferns out. I think he did a great job and I can't wait to see what he picks out next for his garden.


  1. I was looking at this fern the other day at a nursery. I thought next year I would buy it for a new area I'm thinking about planting. It very cool.

  2. Ferns take a long time to grow? No wonder mine are so tiny. It's just their first year. I'm ordering more. My newest find is a red Lady Fern.

    SSB had good taste in ferns, btw. Does he think it's a funny word too? Did he find them at the fern bar?

    I think I better go now.

  3. Fern, fern, fern...hehehe!
