I really like lilies and there are so many different kinds. They are sort of like the tulips of summer. They don't really need any special care, except mine tend to fall over so I do have to set up supports for them. I will post on the special cages that I make for them. They're really neat and easy to make.
Oh I love them.
Yeah, I'm definitely on a lily rampage. I don't know why I never planted them before. I'll be planting more for next year.
I have also decided to plant alot more lillies next year. These ones are beautiful!
I love them!! The color combination is perfect and they have so many flowers! Unfortunately, like most asicatic lilies, they don't really have a scent, but I have so many other flowers in my garden that are heavily scented that I really need some that aren't scented. I think it would be scent over-kill otherwise.
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