This is another of my invented recipes. Despite the name, this has no dairy in it. The creaminess comes from throwing the broth into a blender.
I started with one pound cubed bonless, skinless chicken breast and two jars of tomatoes that I canned from my own garden (not this year, of course *sigh*). I put this into a crock pot on high. Yay! Crock pot!
Then I added some Italian seasoning (~1/16 cup), extra basil (~ 1 tsp), extra oregano (~ 1 tsp), three cloves chopped garlic, sea salt (~ 2 tsp), and some cayenne pepper (I just dusted a layer over the top and mixed in). I chopped a medium sweet onion, fried it until it was well caramelized, then added that to the soup.
I let this cook for about an hour or so. Then I drained the broth from the chicken and threw the broth in a blender. I hit "Liquify" for a minute or so until it was smooth. Then I threw everything back into the crock pot with about 4 chopped carrots.
I let this cook on low for another few hours (until we got home and were hungry cause it smelled SOOO GOOD!!) Although the picture doesn't show it, I did cook up some egg noodles to add shortly before serving. This soup was a big hit with my family. My son ate almost all of it!