I have even cleared all those weeds out of the paths now. That was hard work since the paths are sort of compact. After every rain I would go out and dig up a few weeds untill they were gone.
You can see the big hole in the back of my garden that I am trying to fill in to screen the view of my neighbors yard and the alley. I like to have that clear in the winter though because then we have a nice view of the downtown holiday lights. OooAhhh! So I have been growing sunflowers there as a summer screen. They did not get very tall this year. I think I transplanted then a little too late. So next year I am going to try transplanting them as soon as I find them growing around my garden. I now have a nice terraced planting area for them back there.
My sedums are sort of overwhelming the front bed nearest the patio. I have purchased allium to replace them. They will grow in neat bunching mounds and give somewhat the same effect only shorter. Now I just have to figure out what to do with all those sedum! They make a fine hedge. I must have an area that needs a hedge somewhere.
My black-eyed susan's in that same bed have finally decided to bloom. I bought a 4" pot of them about four years ago and they have been spreading nicely. They do not spread far from the main plant, so they aren't really invasive when they spread, unlike my gallairdia! Geez! That stuff is everywhere, even in my grass!
There is a tall, airy looking shrub near the alley that has pink plumes of flowers right now. That is my tamarix. I love it, but hate where I planted it. It hangs over onto the pathway and just sort of looks out of place there. Many people ask me about it though. It is very unusual looking and they like the pink smoke flowers.
I have relatives coming from out of town this Monday, and I want to make sure that my garden is up to speed. They really like gardens, so I hope that they like mine. It is a work in progress with its own messy but wonderful personality.
What a great view of your garden. It looks great!
ReplyDeleteWow your gardens are awesome. Did you climb up on your roof to take these? I too have relatives coming out soon and I am in the process of trying to get mine all up to snuff. I love the paths I think that will be my project next year to get some more defined walkways.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! Black-Eyed Susans are invasive in my gardens. I find them all over the place. I have a bare spot in the front of my house where nothing wants to grow so I'm going to move some of them out there. They seem to grow anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI wanted a good overhead view, so I climbed out onto the roof. It's a great way to see the big picture.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how some plants are invasive in some gardens, yet not in others. I have a problem with echinacea (purple cone flowers). It is EVERYWHERE! But it is easy enough to remove, so I don't worry too much about it.
I thought I already disclaimered that I was insane, but if not, now you know. I like the overall layout of the beds, I just am not happy with the plants as a design in the beds.
ReplyDeleteYou have a beautiful garden. I love the way your paths wander. Great job.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kerry!