Friday, July 15, 2005

This is the gardenside view of my delphinium patch. In the immediate foreground is a balloon flower. Then there are my lilies (well, a couple of my growing collection anyway). And of to the left you can see Early Sunrise coreopsis. I started those from seed 7 years ago and they have been migrating around my garden ever since. They are supposed to be perennials, but I have found that they don't like to stay in one area to long. Gypsy flowers I guess. Nice thing is, they move themselves!


  1. I love these colors together! I'm becoming a big fan of balloon flower. I've let my single blue plant go to seed in hopes that it will spread.

  2. Color has always been a strong point of mine. I have a knack for putting colors together that you wouldn't think would look good together, yet I make it work.

    When I would tell people the trim colors for my house that I had picked out (purple, blue and green) they would make faces. A couple people actually told me that my neighbors would sue. But when those people actually saw it go up, well, they were sold!

  3. I love purple, blue and green together, too.

  4. Sabine- they are all cool colors, that's why they go so nicely together.
