Thursday, September 22, 2005

End of Summer Blowout

It was a good thing that I took that picture of my sunflowers when I did! We had a bad storm rip through here last night and this is what that plant looks like today. Oh well, they were beautiful while they lasted!


  1. Prop'em up and see if they will finish seeding. I love the finches when they come for the sunflower seed - so much fun to watch!

  2. Oh, how sad. Unfortunately it is that time of the year.

  3. My Aztec sunflowers got knocked over too, but they didn't get uprooted like that. Instead the stems bent in half. Even when I have grown that type of sunflower, I don't think I've ever seen them get uprooted. In fact, I usually have a heck of a time pulling up the root ball in the fall when I do my garden cleanup.

  4. Sunflowers are my favorite flowers!!! When I was in the Czech Republic, I saw the most beautiful sunflowers in someone's front-yard and I just stepped into the yard to make a picture of me and the flowers. Then, by a strange coincidence, the owner of the house came out to water her plants and I just quickly ran!!! It was a funny event. Anyhow, such a pity that the storm knocked your lovely flowers down!
