Sunday, January 01, 2006

I Love Snow!!

A few weeks back I promised pictures of my garden in its snowy state. We just got another few inches of snow and it was beautiful! I also remembered to get the camera and take a few pictures this time, so here they are...

Doesn't my little garden shed look adorable tucked away in the snow? I am so glad we got the roof fixed or all that snow would be IN the shed right now!

I took this same picture of the cone flowers during the growing season. Now they are "snow" flowers! I'm so glad that I leave most of my flowers up for the winter. They are just so beautiful cover in fluffy snow.

This is one of the rivers that flows through our town. I love it when the snow clings to the braches of the trees. It looks like a fairy tale.

Ah! I love snow!!


  1. So pretty! Here in NJ, the snow gets dirty about 2 minutes after it stops snowing. We got ice New Years Eve. I felt so sorry for the poor fools standing in the rain and sleet in Times Square.

  2. What great photos. Love the cone flowers ... looks like you could pick them and eat them. What are the trees lining the river in the last photo. Wonderful mass of branches and twigs.

  3. Your shed continues to fascinate me. I wonder if it was the original house on the property?

    Certainly is picturesque.

  4. It is beautiful, Syl!

  5. OldRoses, I live in a smaller town, so our snow stays fresher longer.

    Alice, we have a lot of oaks here. I think that they are oaks. They tend to have the squiggly branches.

    Jenn, could you imagine living in something so small? I'm sure that it was their garage. It has a door on one end that would be big enough to get a very, very small car through.

    CrazyGramma, I was so glad to see that the pictures turned out as well as they did. My camera has been taking kind of fuzzy pictures lately. I think it was all the salty ocean spray and the dropping that it got overseas last year!

    Jac, I promised you snowy pictures! Glad you like them.

  6. Sonia, welcome to my blog! And wow! Thanks! ::blushing::

  7. Sylvana, your pictures are excellent. I find the one of the river and the branches especially interesting. I would call it poetic, if you can say that about a picture.
