White Emperor tulips.
These multiplied from last year. Nice!

This year has been another good year for them in my garden.

Sunrise tulip.
I have mistakenly called this Tequila Sunrise in past posts. It just looks like one!

Blue Gem tulip*.
My newest treasure from Brecks. You only get three bulbs (only two of mine came up) but they are so special I would buy them all over again!
*officially: Tulipa humilis alba coerulea oculata.
Hi Sylvana,
YAY, you have tulips now! Keep em coming, as ours will probably be on their way out by the end of the week. I'd be interested to know if you have other naturalizing tulips and what they are, because we lost about 100 two years ago in a late cold spell and would like something that naturalizes. Our Darwins are slowly coming back but nowhere near what they were back in 2006!
That last species tulip is a real beauty! I'll have to see if McClure Zimmerman has those because I'm going to order some more from them (along with other stuff). These little guys do multiply though, so give them a few years and they should develop a nice little stand (see the Persian Pearl ones at my place for an example). Too bad the species varieties don't last too long, because they're really beautiful!
Glad winter has left your corner of the world... I know how long those WI winters seem!
IV Gardener - I have found that the emperor tulips are pretty good multipliers; but they do require division about every 7-10 years if you plant them close together. I have to do a little of that yet this spring.
I have just started planting species tulips for some variation, and with the hope that they multiply like they do in other gardens!
For species tulips, definitely try the Persian Pearl variety ... they are stunning! Our other ones 'Little Beauty' just opened today but I was so busy I haven't had time to get pics, but have to soon, since they don't last long!
IV Gardener - my Blue Gems are still blooming strong and I just had another variety of species tulips bloom, Chrysantha. They are tiny.
I definitely am going to try to get Persian Pearl next fall!
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