Monday, December 19, 2011

No New Tulips?!

I just realized that it is now nearly the end of the year and I did not plant any new tulips! This is a first in 14 years. The fall bulb buying season just sneaked past me.

That's OK though. I still have at least a hundred bulbs in pots that I didn't get around to actually getting into the ground this spring. That will still give me lots to do in the flower garden next spring.


  1. This reminds me that I haven't either! So caught up in present buying and decorating that it went past me too..

  2. Dear Sylvana, I love your tulips, but I don't plant any as they are deer candy here. P. x

  3. Bobby and Nicole, one of the great things about reading garden blog regularly is it helps you remember when to do things.

    Pam, thankfully, deer are not a problem here. Squirrels, rabbits and the occasional help-yourselfer, however, are. Squirrels will leave them alone usually after the first season, so I cayenne them like crazy the first fall and spring. The rabbits will leave them alone if I tuck dog and cat hair in the soil around them. The help-yourselfer can only be thwarted by putting up barriers between the tulips and the street; shrubs work great.
