Saturday, July 09, 2005

Perennials by Seed

I was looking for seeds for balsamroot when I found this nursery out of the Twin Cities, just 40 minutes from where I live, that has an amazing variety of perennial seeds. In my last post I was explaining why I was planning on growing by seed more often, but I was more or less talking about annuals. There are a few perennials that I have started by seed, but for the most part I buy them as plants. This would save me so much money, how can I resist? Plus, their variety is just mind boggling! The only downfall to their site is that they don't have pictures of the plants. I'm planning on just looking up the images on Google as I peruse the selections. Oh boy! I'm making up a wishlist tonight!


  1. This is funny I to have made up a wish list for things I want in my garden next year. I have also told my other half I would be delighted with another gift certificate to my favorite nursery again at Christmas.

  2. Sylvana, the downside to growing perennials from seed is that they don't bloom until the second year, or in some cases (like my coneflowers)until they reach a certain size which could take more than two years. The plants you buy are already a year old so they are ready to bloom. But if you are willing to wait, I find a certain satisfaction in growing my perennials from seed.

  3. CrazyGramma- I would love nursery gift certificates for Christmas, but no one will do that because I wouldn't be able to use them for another 4-5 months.

    OldRoses- This is true. However, of the perennials that I have started from seed, I believe that all of them bloomed the first year. It could be because I started them indoors about 2 months before planting season though. This is something that I'm not sure that I would care to repeat.

  4. SCBNymph- That's really great! You can often get seeds on sale after the regular sowing season too, so you can save even more money! I will definitely try this this year.
