Monday, July 11, 2005

Rock Garden

My husband likes rock. No, actually he LOVES rocks. He will run out to "pick up his check" and come home with a trunk full of rocks he picked out of corn and soybean fields. Yesterday, we hit the motherload. We were coming back from the bigboxhomeimprovementstoreofourchoice and he said, "I think there was a pile of free rocks back there."

Me: Do you want me to turn around?
SSB: Nnnooo.
Me: Are you sure

So I whipped the car around and headed back. ( I once was an amateur stunt driver) And sure enough there was a huge pile of beautiful rocks with a sign. Well, the message of the sign had been torn away, but we imagined that it said Please Take These Dang-Blasted Rocks Out of My Field! So we loaded up, and most likely SSB will be getting the rest later.

I have begun using some of the rocks that SSB has collected over the years to create a rock garden with the plants that I got a few weeks back. "Vodoo" sedum, Eidelweiss, and donkey spurge. My husband upon seeing the donkey spurge for the first time annouced that he didn't care for it. It has since grown on him as last night he told me that he really likes it and is very glad that I got it. I guess I know him better than he knows himself.

I have been meaning to put in a rock garden ever since I started this garden, so it is way past due. I know this isn't much right now, but I think that for only three plants, it is pulling together quite nicely. I can't wait to add some of the rocks we got last night!


  1. Sorry, gotta ask. What does SSB do with the rocks he collects? Love the rock garden, btw. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow and expand.

  2. He used to leave them in the yard until I moved them. I complained about that because they don't get moved right away then we have dead patches in our yard. Now he just finds open spots in the garden and piles them there. So I have piles of rocks all over my garden. He's like a rock-eating squirrel facing a bad winter!
    And, oh yes! It will grow and expand!

  3. I admit that I am a rock lover too. There are alot of cool rocks out there!

  4. Free rocks! Where? I to love rocks however I thankfully have a small car or I would be doing the same thing. The thing I like about rocks is that they can be moved about to create different looks and not cost anything. Have you tried putting a coat of varnish on a rock that has great color? I have one that looks so cool when wet that I tried the varnish, so now the colors stand out as if wet all the time.

  5. Sandy- I agree. Whenever we take a trip we usually bring back a rock as a souvenir.

    CrazyGramma- I actually have done that before. It's the lazy man's rock polisher.
