Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cool Kitchen Gadgetry: Funnels

Many people might not think about getting funnels for their kitchen, but I use mine all the time. I especially like mine because the opennings are actually big enough for things to pass through without clogging them up; and they are so colorful.

Here I am using one to refill a smaller container with sea salt. Have I mentioned how great sea salt is?


  1. I couldn't function without my funnels although mine aren't as nice as yours.

  2. OldRoses, I got the canning one in a canning kit and I actually got the other ones in a very interesting place - Checkers, a car parts store. It was a set of three (the biggest one is not shown here. It is teal green).

  3. You didn't tell, but you can tell now. LOL
