Monday, March 06, 2006

Cream of Cauliflower Soup

I love cream-of soups. They are my favorites. But I have had so much trouble finding a good recipe for them. I have tried many different ones over the years without much luck.

But if at first you don't succeed -- try, try again.

I had some left over cauliflower and half-n-half and some determination, so I decided to make cream of cauliflower soup.

I found recipes for cream of mushroom and cream of celery so I took some ideas from them and then just had to wing it. I've made lots of from-scratch pudding and thought the base for the soup would be very much like that.

Chop up half a head of cauliflower. Throw into a sauce pan half covering with water. Cook on medium heat.

Finely chop one thick slice of sweet onion. I love the Andes sweets, or, if you can get it, my all time favorite is Vidalia! Throw the chopped onion in with the cauliflower along with two tablespoons butter.

When the cauliflower is just about cooked through and the water has boiled down, throw in 3 chicken boullion cubes. Sprinkle about 1/8 cup flour over the cauliflower and mix in.

Turn down the heat and pour in two cups half-n-half, two cups water, and one egg mixed well. When the soup has heated up, add 1/8 cup chopped swiss cheese. Cook until thicken.

Once the cream has been added, DO NOT OVER HEAT!!!

This was the best cream-of soup that I have ever made. I would definitely make this again, and I plan to try other versions, like: mushroom, broccoli, potato... OH! I CAN'T WAIT!!


  1. Egg? Never heard of putting eggs in cream soups. I'll have to try it. Next time you make it, try cheddar cheese for a little tang. Or add a small shake of hot pepper flakes. Can you tell I like spicy food?

  2. OldRoses, eggs weren't part of any of the cream soup recipes that I found. I added it because 1) I had left over egg from fried rice that I had just made for my husband, 2) it tasted like it needed some body, and 3) I use egg when I make custard and the bases are similar so I just did it. Worked out great.
    I had a variety of other cheeses handy, but I used the swiss cheese because it tasted like it wanted some. It definitely wanted some ;)
