This weekend I decided that it would be a good time to get some more plants for the expanding rain garden. Along our property line we are trying to create a prairie-ish garden. When we were at Willow River State Park we saw a large patch of rattlesnake master and wild quinine. It was breath taking; a field of silver and white. I wanted to replicate that effect in my yard, so off to the native plant place to get the plants that I needed.
So I went there to buy these plants:
They are black-eyed Susans, one of my favorite prairie plant - and there are ten of them! They aren't the same as Goldsturm. They are much taller and the leaves are fuzzy. Some even have multi-colored flowers that remind me of sunsets or leaves turning in autumn.
Although this isn't the first time I have gotten free plants after talking to a nursery owner, it has got to be the largest amount that I have ever gotten. So remember, gardeners are generous people, and they love to talk gardens and plants with people who share their passion.
I'm jealous, after reading Animal, Vegetable, Mineral and your posts I want to find some morels!
At least one good thing from a long, cool, wet Spring.
Tam, it was always a fantasy of mine that one day I would walk out to my garden and find morels -- a fantasy, not somethings I really thought would happen!
Now if I could just find them before they get too old to eat!
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