I love garlic! And I was reading about garlic planting on so many blogs that I just had to find a way to get it done this fall in my garden. I hadn't purchased any specialty garlic for planting, instead, I just headed to the grocery store and bought 8 bulk garlic bulbs. I did this a couple of years ago with great success. The garlic doesn't taste the same after it grows in your garden - it's BETTER!

I tore the bulbs apart to get the cloves I would need for planting. I just plant the cloves, just as you see them in the picture above, in 2-3 inch deep holes about 2-3 inches apart. No fertilizer or protection necessary.
They are very hardy and will sprout in spring giving me usable bulbs around mid-June. A lot of people take the biggest for planting, I take the smallest and save the biggest for kitchen use.

After planting all the small cloves, I chopped up the bigger cloves and put them in a sterilized jar with oil for storage in my refrigerator for later use. I find that the grocery store garlic does not store well in my kitchen, so I thought I would give this technique a try*.
What is really strange is that once this garlic has had a while to grow in my garden, it not only improves greatly in flavor, it also improves in storage quality. It easily keeps right on my kitchen counter for the entire winter!
*I have been reading that even if storing in the refrigerator this may not be safe to eat raw due to potential botulism - however, I will only be using this for cooking so this will be fine for me as high heat for ten minutes will destroy any toxins that may be present according to the FDA.
Wow, is that a lot of garlic!?!
I've found store bought garlic (usually elephant garlic around here) doesn't store very well for me.
I like your idea of storing the garlic in olive oil. I may try that too!
Wendy, did I mention I love garlic? :) I was really surprised at how the garlic changes once I grow it in my own garden. It's not even the same type of garlic anymore.
I am new to gardening this year and will be giving this a try also. Thank you for making it seem so easy. I haven't grown garlic before but I did hear that it is the time to plant now for spring. Good luck and happy gardening.
Cafay1, I've been growing garlic this way for a couple of years. It really is easy, and so worth it!
Can't wait to get some garlic in our patch. Wrong time of year for us, so have to be patient. Hearing about your crop is inspiring!
Mr + Ms Rabbit, growing your own garlic is so worth it!
Many of the necessary vitamins are found in garlic as a natural antibiotic and food should be consumed in more than gives great flavor
Nihaty, I have heard of their antibiotic properties. And as long as it keeps tasting so great, you'll never have to push me to eat more garlic!
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