It has plenty of gourds! I think about every two feet of this vine has a gourd on it. We will have plenty for Halloween this year!
I put one of these gourds in the fire bowl the other night. My husband, afraid that the heat from the fire would make the gourd explode, pulled it out and threw it on the ground near the bowl. The dog fussed and fussed until we threw the burnt gourd over to him. HE ATE THE WHOLE THING!! He acted like it was the best thing he ever ate. He's SOOO WEIRD!!!
What's the secret to growing gourds? I want to try them next year to make birdhouses out of them.
Well, I guess, get a gourd you like this fall. Let it rot a good month or so. Then throw the thing in your garden. That's pretty much how I did it. I haven't given this ANY care at all. It just keeps growing and growing and growing...
I'm sure the fiber was good for your dog!
I was really surprised that it didn't do anything terrible to him gastrointestinely. He ate a bunch of lentils yesterday and that was interesting! He kept releasing air. Then looking around like, "What was that?"
What do you plan to do with all the Gourds, all to your poor dog....I cant even imagine something like that.
My son will probably decorate them for Halloween. They aren't the good birdhouse gourds, so there's not much else I can do with them.
OH! There are TWO vines! One is a birdhouse gourd. Yipee!
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