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Visit May Dreams Garden to see what everyone else has blooming!
An hour later, I just bundled the whole batch together, tied it and called it good enough! Don't let anyone fool you, braiding is hard! But I am tenacious, so I figure I just needed to see how it was done. I visited a bunch of websites with garlic braiding instructions: | ||
BRAIDING GARLIC by Donna Metcalfe Ok, huh? I don't get it. How to Braid Garlic by Bloomingfield Farm A little better, but still, after "illus. C" I am lost. Garlic Braiding by gardenerd1 This was the most instructive illustration/video that I found. It was the only thing I found that made me feel "I can do that." | ||
I ended up using the beginning braiding from Bloomingfields Farm, with the wind-around technique, and the general braiding from the Gardenerd video, "always down the middle", to take another crack at braiding with my most recent harvest (which my son was so nice to clean up purdy for me). I knew I could do it! With this braid I didn't pay too much attention to order of bulb placement. I just made sure that the new bulb's stem went down the middle and put the bulb where I thought it would fit. | ||
But I have a long way to go before I have braids as fantastic as the people at Blue Moon Farm. In all that research, I did find this great sight from Wisconsin: We Grow Garlic. Who the heck knew that there were so many different varieties of garlic?! Especially growing in Wisconsin! |
Although I have gotten a few things from my garden here and there this year (spinach, lettuce, peas, leeks); I am so excited about my first big harvest of 2010. The following are all things I pulled from my garden this last week. | |
I planted this garlic last fall. This is the biggest that my garlic has ever gotten! I have a ton of it too. This picture only shows a fraction of what I actually have harvested. I already gave some to my neighbor who forgot to plant some herself last fall. She will be planting some of what I gave her. | |
I finally grew turnips! I have tried 5 years to grow them, and I know that they are easy to grow. So what was my problem? Eh. And to those who are saying, "why the hell would you want to grow them anyway" -- try roasting them. Yum! | |
Shallots were pretty easy to grow. I don't know why they charge so much for them in the store. I am going to keep the largest ones and replant all the smaller ones. Soon I should have a nice big patch of them. They are supposed to be very hardy, so I will plant them this fall. | |
I have never had very much luck growing carrots... until this year! I finally got rid of my knotty carrot problem by using raised beds. The soil in the beds is perfect now. You may have noticed that some of the root tips are bent a little, that is the side effect of transplanting the seedling. Not a big deal at all, huh? |